Monday, February 8, 2016

So Where Do We Go From Here?

     I have to say, when I finally did regain myself,  I thought Lyme was a little simpler than I realized.  I had no idea it was THIS difficult to treat!!  I spent days upon days digging up info to try to figure out what my path was going to be.  As I was looking for my path, I couldn't help but notice my daughter has a lot of the same symptoms as me.  Then I noticed my husband did too .  Then after a few months my hell set was all six of us.  My entire family was sick.  I believe I contracted Lyme Disease 25-30 years ago,  when I was a young girl, i don't remember a day feeling good...feeling NORMAL.    I also do believe I gave it to my entire family.  I realize this is controversial, but this is our story.  I wouldn't wish this on anyway, and I wish it weren't so.  My husband did get an Igenix Lyme lab done, also showing that he did in fact also have Lyme Disease.
     Why is there no cure?!  I dont want REMISSION I want HEALED.  Im really not happy with the term remission.  What is that anyway?  It felt like false hope to me.  I dont want to be partially fixed.  After a lot of research we ended up putting the entire family on cleansing herbs, working on organs, diet, detoxing, and Advanced Cell Treatment.  All of these together do work beautifully, but MAN it's a full time job!!  There are so many days that are downright scary, but we are making it and we are beating this disease!!!  All of my kids are homeschooled because our daughter did not do well in the public school setting.  NOW that makes sense because she was SICK.  I love that we can support and encourage each other.  I love that we aren't alone in this battle.

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