Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Finding a Treatment That Works For You


So you found out you have Lyme disease and you google it on the internet. What do you get? ANXIETY! When I first started looking into how I wanted to be treated I found there are a lot of options out there, with not a lot of hope. If you have chronic lyme, you have had it for years,  the bacteria digs deep into the body, and it can be VERY difficult to kill.  There are two different words that are thrown around. Remission and recovery. Remission is the state of being largely, if not completely symptom free. Recovery is a return to normal health mind or strength. The problem I found with these definitions is one offers a lot more hope than the other. One can be a temporary state while the other is permanent. No matter what road you decide to take, here is a brief overview of the most popular treatments that I found. My hope is that if you can find most of it on one page, you won't have to search for months, like I did!

Traditional treatment: Often times when people get lyme disease they seek out a lyme literate medical doctor. Llmd's are trained by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. ILADS promotes understanding of Lyme and associated diseases through research, education and policy. Unfortunately some states don't have any llmd's so you might have to travel to another state, or even board a plane to get your treatment. Llmd's often use traditional antibiotics and herbs to treat lyme, along with many other tools. They really are the best of both worlds and usually the most advanced and up to date on tecnology. Antibiotics can be a problem for some patients, because they can potentially destroy a person's gut flora, opening them up to a whole host of other problems. Lyme doctors usually use the term remission when treating their lyme patients. If you would like to find a lyme literate medical doctor in your area go to .

Herbal protocols:There are many different herbal protocols that are easy for anyone to access that has Lyme disease, and often times much more inexpensive. The book Healing Lyme by master herbalist and psychotherapist Stephen Buhner, advocates using potent herbal medicines and supplements, in particular andrographis, Japanese knotweed and Cat’s Claw used in the core protocol. Andrographis, or green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata), has been used for centuries in China and India and may be beneficial for Lyme symptoms because it is considered anti-spirochetal, and is believed to enhance immune function, protect heart muscle, act as an anti-inflammatory (for arthritic symptoms) and enhance and protect liver function. Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa, U. guianensis) is a woody vine commonly found in the Amazon rainforest. It may be useful in treating Lyme symptoms such as arthritis and muscle pain, by enhancing the immune system. Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is an invasive species in New York state. It’s believed to be useful in fighting off the spirochetes that cause Lyme, as well as providing anti-inflammatory properties by protecting the body from endotoxin damage and reducing Herxheimer reactions. All three of these herbs, expert herbalists say, can be taken either alone or in combination with antibiotics to treat Lyme. achieve an optimum outcome.
Cowden, Byron White, and Buhner and probably the most widly used herbal protocols. If you can, find an herbalist, or naturapath that can perform energy testing, to see which of these would work best on your body.

The body can heal itself: This is a newer science, but don't let that fool you! There is a huge movement of people that are seeing that what we put into our body can either heal or destroy our body. Dr. Robert morse at has many videos on every disease possible. His theory is that disease is caused by our body's lymphatic system not taking toxins out properly. This is caused by a poor diet, and our organs not working as well as they should, in particular our kidneys and adrenal glands usually are not filtering lymph properly. If the body isnt filtering properly, then our body can't get rid of waste, and can't heal. He promotes a fruitatarian diet, full of fresh berries and melons. Berries and melons have been said to cleanse the body in amazing ways, and allow our body to heal itself. If you want to slow down detox you can add in a banana or avacado, since these are thicker, and not as life giving as water filled fruits can be. You can mix fruits with vegetables, too. Vegetables detox and cleanse slower than fruits so you can find the ratio that works for you, and the rate you want to detox/cleanse. If you want to slow it down even more, try cooked vegetables, till your body is acclimated.
Herbs are also used with healing, often times, because it can really speed up healing by cleansing, pulling on our lymphatic system system , and giving our filtering organs the push that they need. A few tools that can also help your body to heal itself are water enemas, parasite herbs, clean water, grounding, fasting, saunas, detox baths, ion detox foot baths, and essential oils. (we will touch on all of these tools in a future post) A few other people I suggest watching are Dr. Robert Cassar and Loren Lockman. Can you flush lyme out? I think its possible! I also do think it takes a ton of work! Iridology compliments this healing well, by showing what organs are weak, so you know what you need to work on, it also is amazing as your body heals, your eyes change color, creating a more beautiful eye.

Gerson Therapy: The two principle, underlying causes of disease are deficiency and toxicity. The modern world's diet of overly-cooked, processed, boxed and canned foods (along with all the sugar, salt and fat in the standard diet) has left our bodies craving fresh organic nutrients found in raw fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the abuse of artificial fertilizers and the irradiation of store-bought conventional produce have left raw fruits and vegetables devoid of their natural vitamin, mineral and enzymatic systems necessary to heal a sick body and maintain a healthy one.
In conjunction with deficiency, environmental pollutants ranging from pesticides on our foods, heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride in our water, to the constant burning of fossil fuels has overburdened our bodies with an abnormal amount of toxicity. Considering these two causative factors of disease, deficiency and toxicity, it is no mistake that the rates of cancer and other degenerative diseases have skyrocketed over the last century. In 1900, the incidence of cancer was 1:50. Today it is 1:2 in industrialized nations.
To combat these harsh realities, Dr. Gerson's therapy bombards the body with a completely sodium-free diet consisting of twenty pounds of organic fruits and vegetables daily—mostly in the form of freshly-squeezed juices that flood the body with an array of vitamins, minerals and vital enzymes necessary for complete healing and restoration. Patients receive fruits and vegetables throughout the day consisting of three freshly prepared meals and 13 juices daily. Patients receive a wide variety of very specific natural supplements to enhance individual organ systems such as the thyroid, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestinal systems. These supplements, in conjunction with the specific, strict, vegetarian dietary regimen work to completely restore the body's failing internal metabolism…..the basis of a properly functioning immune system able to fend off and destroy cancer and other degenerative diseases, such as Lyme Disease.
To address the issue of toxicity, Gerson came up with an ingenious solution; the coffee enema. Coffee, when taken rectally, stimulates the liver and bile ducts to open up and dump stored toxins into the intestines for elimination. More importantly, the palmitic acid in coffee stimulates the production of the glutathione-s-transferase enzyme system which is primarily responsible for the binding and elimination of free radical toxins out of your system.
When strictly adhered to, the Gerson therapy is a very thorough system of hyper- alimentation and detoxification that has nearly 100 years of proven success in treating and curing a vast majority of advanced(and non-advanced) degenerative diseases.

Bee Venom Therapy: This is NOT for the faint of heart, but if you want lyme dead, this is a fantastic option. Not mainstream, but there are many people getting well using this proven technique. The antimicrobial agent melittin exhibits powerful in vitro inhibitory effects on the Lyme disease spirochete.
Lubke LL, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 1997. Abstract
Borrelia burgdorferi has demonstrated a capacity to resist the in vitro effects of powerful eukaryotic and prokaryotic metabolic inhibitors. However, treatment of laboratory cultures on Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium with melittin, a 26-amino acid peptide contained in honeybee venom, showed immediate and profound inhibitory effects when they were monitored by dark-field microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and optical density measurements. Furthermore, at melittin concentrations as low as 100 microg/mL, virtually all spirochete motility ceased within seconds of inhibitor addition. Ultrastructural examination of these spirochetes by scanning electron microscopy revealed obvious alterations in the surface envelope of the spirochetes. The extraordinary sensitivity of B. burgdorferi to mellitin may provide both a research reagent useful in the study of selective permeability in microorganisms and important clues to the development of effective new drugs against lyme disease.
PMID 9233664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Full textFull text from provider (HighWire)
Basically bee venom kills lyme. Most people sting 3 times a week, with around 10 stings on various accupuncture points. Usually this treatment takes 1-2 years, but they are then RECOVERED. When recovered it is said that they WILL not get Lyme Disease again, unless re infected. WOW!!!!

Advanced Cell Training:  "Thank you for visiting our website! Advanced Cell Training (ACT) is a cellular behavior modification program. This simple and non-invasive healing process can be done from home by phone and internet. There are no pills, herbs, supplements, or machines involved. We have all trained ourselves to do things such as ride a bicycle, dance, play a sport or musical instrument. This is accomplished through focus, intent and practice. It’s called muscle memory, though it is really the cells that retain the information. ACT uses the same premise and applies it to the autonomic systems of the body, including, but not limited to the immune, digestive, elimination, endocrine and respiratory systems. We believe it is actually easier to train the body to do that which it is designed to do, rather than what it was never intended to do. While playing piano and golfing is not inherent in our DNA, our immune system is. Restoring proper bodily function at the cellular level can restore homeostasis. That is when the body processes stress, removes toxins, kills pathogen (viruses, bacteria, parasites), stops overreacting to allergens, and nourishes and protects itself; restored health is the likely result." Received from
THIS is exciting stuff. Odd, yes, but it WORKS. Looking at their facebook site,  there are many people saying how much they love Advanced Cell Training. I really find it remarkable that we can retrain our cells to behave! This is an inexpensive option, that has zero risk with destroying your body, they even offer a month money back guarantee!  It can be included with any other protocol, and also offers the hope of recovery. Your brain doesn't forget what it already knows :) 

Energy work: There are many different kinds of energy work out there. A few examples are Biofeedback Therapy, tesla coil, and Rife Therapy.  

Biofeedback differs from pharmaceuticals and nutrients in that those work on biochemistry where Biofeedback works on biophysics. If you recall from science class, everything is made up of atoms. Atoms contain a nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons. The amount of space in an atom is significantly greater than the amount of solids in an atom but because the protons, neutrons, and electrons are moving at such a rapid pace things (including people and animals) feel solid even though they are more space than solid. Since the particles in the atom are moving so quickly they create a vibration and that vibration creates an energetic frequency. The Quantum SCIO Biofeedback device simply detects stressors in the energetic frequencies of the person or animal and supplies a balancing or neutralizing frequency. 
Many people also use a rife machine and tesla coil to kill pathogens, by finding the frequency needed to kill. The acronym R.I.F.E. was first coined by Dr. James Bare, D.C., and stands for Resonance Initiated Field Effect, or Resonance Initiated Frequency Effect. R.I.F.E. machines include all of the currently available devices that use variable frequencies, usually in the audio (20-20,000 Hz) spectrum. Examples include the  "Doug device", which uses a coil to apply the variable audio frequencies, various types of "pad" machines, which use some type of electrodes to apply the frequencies directly to the body, and the two main types of plasma tube devices, which use either high voltage audio, or a modulated radio frequency carrier wave to apply the frequencies through the plasma tube and without any physical contact. As a general statement, all of these devices "work", in the sense that they are therapeutically effective and have provided many people relief from a very wide assortment of ailments. They don't necessarily work for everything and everyone, but they work for many things and many people.

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